Free G1 Practise Test

All new drivers in Ontario must take a G1 knowledge test (also known as G1 written test). The official test is created by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and is offered in all DriveTest Centres. The test is available on paper at all locations across Ontario, and on computer at some locations. No appointment is required (make sure you come at least one hour before the DriveTest centre closes though). There are 40 questions on the official G1 test, and they are all multiple choice. The test is not timed. You’ll receive two test sheets, each with 20 questions. The first set of 20 questions is about road signs, while the second one is about the rules of the road. You’ll need to get 16 or more questions right on each of those two sections in order to pass your G1 test (the total passing score for both sections is 80%). Your G1 knowledge test will be marked on the spot, and you’ll receive your results immediately. The results of your G1 written test are valid for one year.


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