The Stirling-Rawdon Public Library welcomes all forms of donations. Whether it is monetary or books, DVDs and other items you no longer want or need, every little bit helps!

Book Donations

The library loves receiving book donations. Donations are accepted in person, any time the library is open, at the circulation desk on the upper level of the library or can be placed in the dropbox at your convenience.

The library reviews donations according to the same selection criteria applied to purchased materials, and reserves the right to accept or discard any materials received as donations. Donations not added to the collection may be sold by the library. Those funds will go towards purchasing new books or other items for the library. Once received, donated materials are the exclusive property of Stirling-Rawdon Public Library.

If you wish to donate a large number of books, please contact the library by calling (613)395-2837 as we have limited space and staff available for processing.

Memorial Books

A book can provide a lasting tribute to the memory of a loved one. Each gift book will have a special bookplate which gives the name of the person to whom the book is dedicated. Donors may suggest a specific title or have the librarian choose a title in a designated subject area.

Traditionally when a friend or loved one passes on, flowers are sent to the family of the deceased. In lieu of flowers, many people prefer to make a donation to a not-for-profit organization as a permanent way to pay tribute. An In Memoriam donation to the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library is a meaningful way to pay tribute to the memory of someone who cared about their community.

Financial Donations

Donations large and small ensure that your library will continue to evolve and serve the community in the future. Donors may also direct the library to use their gift for a specific purpose in the current fiscal year. This includes donations directed to benefit specific types of library collections or subject areas. Gifts may take the form of cash donations, bequests, or cheques made payable to Stirling-Rawdon Public Library.