Annual Reports:
2021-2025 Strategic Plan
This Strategic Plan reflects the collective input of our library staff, the dedicated members of the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library Board, and the response from patron and community members through a survey launched in the spring of 2021. The results of the survey showed a wide range of valued services and priorities and from it, four strategic directions have been identified which will form the basis of this plan over the next four years.
We look forward to working closely with staff, Board members and community partners to meet the identified needs of the vibrant and growing community of Stirling-Rawdon.
To read the full Strategic Plan, click here.
The circulation policy of the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library is to provide borrowing services to patrons in accordance with the goal of the Library as stated in the mission and values policy.
The Stirling-Rawdon Public Library Board provides access to the Internet in keeping with the Library’s mission to serve the community of Stirling and area, by providing access to resources and programs for personal, educational, recreational and cultural enrichment. At the same time, the Internet functions in an unregulated environment, and therefore provides access to a wide variety of resources over which the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library has no control. This policy establishes the
provision of public network services to access the Internet, acceptable use of these services by users, staff responsibilities and consequences of inappropriate behavior
or illegal activity by users.
It is the policy of the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library to permit the use of the meeting room/and or areas of the Library for use by community groups, by either non-profit or for-profit groups.
Programming supports the Library’s mission to stimulate imagination and inquiry. Programming provides information, invites public discussion, encourages curiosity and creativity and promotes literacy and reading. Programming also promotes the library’s services and resources. This policy defines the provision of programming at the Library.
The Stirling-Rawdon Public Library provides free and equitable access to services in a welcoming and supportive environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. The rules set out here are intended to ensure the dignity and safety of the public and the staff, and to maintain the security of library property without disruption to library service.
The Library is a busy place and Library staff cannot assume responsibility for children left unattended within our public facility. The following policy
establishes the conditions needed to maintain the well-being of children and the responsibilities of their caregivers.
Volunteer Application Form
Volunteering at the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library is a great opportunity to give back to your community, make a difference to the people around you, make new friends and develop new skills! If you would like to volunteer please fill out a Volunteer Application Form (also available in the library). All volunteers must submit a clear Vulnerable Sector Check. For more information please call (613)395-2837 or email
Internet Permission Form
Children between the ages of 10-14 are required to have an internet permission form signed by either a parent or guardian before accessing the library’s internet. Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Once completed, this form is kept on file at the library. Click, Internet Permission Form, and email the completed form to or drop it off at the library.
Room Rental Agreement
The Art Gallery/Meeting Room is open to the public. If you would like to use the room for your purposes, please complete this form and email the completed form to or drop it off at the library.
Good Baby Box Registration Form

The Good Baby Box program helps families stretch their dollar, reduce food costs and meet the nutritional food needs of their infants and toddlers. Participants can choose from a variety of food and baby care items such as jarred baby food, cereal, diapers, baby wipes, shampoo, and formula. Anyone in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties with an infant/toddler can participate once they’ve registered. To register please complete this form, Good Baby Box Registration, and email the completed form to or drop it off at the library.