October is Canadian Library Month and we feel that it’s a perfect opportunity to recognize some of the incredible people who contribute to making our library the wonderful place it is.
This week, we would like to acknowledge Kathy, Ross and Garry…our custodial team! Under Garry’s leadership (not pictured), Kathy has been keeping our library spic and span for approximately four years now and has recently recruited Ross’s help with the extra duties required with COVID-19. Arriving well before the library opens, this duo not only vacuums, mops, and sanitizes the obvious surfaces and spaces but keeps even the tiniest nooks and highest crannies free of dust bunnies and cob webs! We can’t express enough how much we appreciate all their hard work and how nice it is to open up a clean and sanitary space for our patrons and staff. Thank you so much Kathy, Ross and Garry!