We are so excited to share that we are one of the 2022 Recipients of The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group‘s L.E.A.F. (Learning & Engagement Accelerator Fund) Initiative!
This grant has been awarded to support the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library’s Makerspace Project which is to create a space that offers library patrons an opportunity to create, explore and learn with high-tech tools. With this grant we will be purchasing new technology offerings such as robotics toys, 3D doodle pens, STEM toys and the more traditional items such as building blocks, Lego and craft supplies as well as custom built shelving fitted to the space to house these materials and equipment.
A step beyond typical funding, The Commonwell’s L.E.A.F. (Learning & Engagement Accelerator Fund) is supporting community projects that focus on learning new skills and building resiliency and capacity for the long-term health of the communities.
“We had almost 100 applications and they were all worthy of supporting. Making the selection was difficult, but we feel the 2022 L.E.A.F. grant recipients represent a very impressive range of community causes that will result in a long-term community investment by funding the sharing of knowledge.” said Tim Shauf, President and CEO of The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group.
“We are excited to see these programs and initiatives across Commonwell Country come to life and serve the people and communities for years to come.”
About The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group:
Established January 1, 2014, The Commonwell is a merger of three longstanding mutual insurance companies built on more than a century of hands-on commitment to the local communities it serves. Since its founding eight years ago, The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group operates on the same historical premise as its three legacy companies – maintaining a focus on local presence and service that builds strong long-term relationships to benefit the greater community.