Did you make a New Years Resolution to learn or try something new? Then join one of our groups at the library!
Every Wednesday we have Art Journaling at 10am: This group is all about creating for the sake of creating. Try new mediums, techniques and just have fun with art. No experience or artistic ability necessary. Each week will have a different prompt or try out a new art medium. All supplies will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own too! No registration required.

Fridays at 10am join us for music and singing as part of the Stirling MILL Ukulele Group (SMUG). Bring your own ukulele or just come and sing along! Ukuleles will also be available to play. No experience necessary. No registration required.

Twice a month on Fridays at 1pm our Knitting Group meets to knit and socialize. Whether you’ve been knitting for decades or looking to learn, everyone welcome! No experience necessary. Bring your own project. No registration required. Join us January 10th and 24th this month

On the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm the Author Round Table meets to discuss writing. For inspiring and published authors alike, we meet to support each other’s writing journey. No registration required.

Join our book club that meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2pm. Participants read anything within a particular genre or topic then come prepared to discuss. New members always welcome. No registration required. January theme: Something new

For more information contact us!