We’re making Dryer Vent Pumpkins for our next Adult Craft Night!
Join us on Tuesday, October 2nd at 6pm to make a pumpkin centrepiece just in time for Thanksgiving! This pumpkin is made out of a very unique material...a dryer vent! Registration required. Please inquire in library, call (613)395-2837 or email info@stirlinglibrary.com to register.
Space is limited so sign up today!

Do you like pie? Join us Tuesday, September 18th for our 2nd Annual Pie Bake-off and Recipe Swap!
There will be some fun awards, just like last year, like "Best Cheater Pie Crust," "Best Tasting," "Most Creative" etc. Bring your pie, enjoy what others bring and go home with new recipes just in time for Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow night Bob Bickford will be visiting the library…
Join us at 6pm on Tuesday, September 11th when mystery and thriller author Bob Bickford will be visiting the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library.

Wednesday, September 5th we’re having an Adult Craft Night!
We're making wind chimes using broken plates and an embroidery hoop. Join us! Registration required. To register please call (613)395-2837 or email info@stirlinglibrary.com

Don’t forget to bring something sweet to the library tomorrow!
June's Cook & Tell theme is Sweet. Make something sweet (anything you want) and bring it to the library to share with others. Go home with new recipes to try!

Evening Book Club tonight at 6pm
Do you like to read? Do you like to discuss what you are reading or have read with others? Then you should join our book club! At this book club, you get to read whatever you want, whenever you want and then share it with others.

Tonight we are painting rocks for the garden!
Drop into the library to get your Book Bingo card! Read and win prizes! It’s that easy!
From June-August there will be Book Bingo at the library! All you have to do is read and you can win prizes! Once you complete a line on your Bingo card (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or just read 5 books from the Bingo card) bring your completed card into the library and choose a prize from our Treat Basket! Your completed Bingo card will then be used as a ballot to enter into a draw for our Grand Prize gift basket at the end of the summer!