Thanks to the Grain Farmers of Ontario, we have these awesome seed growing kits for you! Enjoy planting and learning how these seeds grow! Developed to complement the Grade 3 curriculum but can be enjoyed by any age, this kit will help you gain a better understanding about how grain crops are grown and the role of grain products in your daily life.
“Good in Every Grain is a public outreach campaign by Grain Farmers of Ontario, the province’s largest commodity organization, representing 28, 000 barley, corn, oat, soybean, and wheat farmers. Good in Every Grain was developed to tell the story of Ontario’s grain farmers to consumers across the province. Ontario grain has hundreds of end-uses – like we say, “whether in our food, fuel or furniture, every grain brings a natural and sustainable solution to our everyday lives. From the farmers in the fields to the wholesome food on tables across Ontario – there’s Good in Every Grain”.”