Kids Crafternoon tomorrow after school!
Don't forget to drop in tomorrow after school at 4pm to make a Jack O'Lantern string art! No registration required. While supplies last

Jack O’Lantern string art tomorrow after school!
Don't forget to drop in tomorrow after school at 4pm to make a Jack O'Lantern string art! No registration required. While supplies last.

Makerspace Club tomorrow after school!
Join us at our Makerspace Club tomorrow after school at 4pm where we will be making a cup glider and learning about the Magnus Effect! Everyone welcome, no registration required. While supplies last.

Improv Club tomorrow after school!
Learn how to build confidence, courage and creativity at our Improv. Club tomorrow at 4pm. Get silly, be spontaneous and have fun! Everyone welcome. No registration required.

Tomorrow at Lego Club we’ll be doing zip lines!
Join us at 4pm in the Art Gallery. Everyone welcome. No registration required.

Have you heard about our After School Clubs on Wednesdays at 4pm?
Every Wednesday we've got different activities happening! Here's what's coming up in October! No registration required. While supplies last!
Oct. 2: Lego Club - zip lines
Oct. 9: Games Club - bring your own games!
Oct. 16: Improv Club - acting games and activities
Oct. 23: Makerspace Club - Cup gliders/Magnus Effect
Oct. 30: Kids Crafternoon - Jack O'Lantern string art
Improv Club tomorrow after school!
Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of the month for Improv Club! Try out your acting skills and play fun improvisational games after school from 4-5pm. Everyone welcome! No registration required.

Games Club tomorrow after school!
Join us on the 2nd Wednesday of each month for Games Club! Bring your Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh or other card/board game to play with others in the children’s department! After school from 4-5pm. Everyone welcome! No registration required.

Lego Club tomorrow at 4pm!
Join us on the first Wednesday of the month for Lego Club! After school from 4-5. Each month we’ll have different Lego Challenges. Everyone welcome! No registration required.