Grow Your Own – Garden Discussion Group
We hope you marked your calendars for the next Grow Your Own Garden Discussion Group meeting because it's this Tuesday at 6pm! We'll be talking about seeds and other things related to growing your own things and becoming more self-sustainable.

We're having a houseplant swap on Thursday, March 9th at 6pm. Do you have plants that you'd like to swap for something new (to you)? Or can you propagate some of your existing plants to share with other plant enthusiasts? Then start getting those plants ready and join us in March! Everyone welcome, no registration required.

Dot Painted Votive Holder – Adult Craft Night
Have you registered for our adult craft night? We're painting candle holders and it's next Tuesday at 6pm! Don't forget!

Family Trivia Night Tuesday, January 31st at 6pm
We've got a fun Family Trivia Night planned for Tuesday, January 31st at 6pm. Bring your whole family to compete and see if you have what it takes to be our TRIVIA CHAMPION! No registration required. Recommended for all ages.

Puzzle Swap Tuesday, January 24th at 1pm
Do you like to do puzzles but have completed all the ones you currently have? Then come and swap them! The puzzle swap will take place at 1pm on Tuesday, January 24th. All puzzle sizes and ages welcome. Please only swap puzzles in good condition with all their pieces included.

Cookie Swap – December 13th at 6pm
We're having a Cookie Swap! Join us on Tuesday, December 13th at 6pm. Everyone welcome, no registration required. Call 613-395-2837 or email info@stirlinglibrary.com for more information

We need your help!
The Stirling-Rawdon Public Library has applied for a grant through the L.E.A.F Commonwell Initiative and we need your help! Part of the requirements for the grant is to rally community support and the more support the better! We need you to share stories, comments and images of support to our project page which is linked below. Also please share to social media! Any and all engagements help our submission so please...
Egg Carton Roses!
Our next Adult Craft Night is November 1st at 6pm. Learn how to make roses from an egg carton! Call 613-395-2837 or email info@stirlinglibrary.com to register.

Local Author Showcase – Leslie Mercier
We're featuring local authors and illustrators at a Local Author Showcase on Tuesday, October 18th from 3-6pm. Come join us to meet local authors and illustrators and chat with them about their work! Books will be available for purchase. Book bundle door prize draw for attending. There will be authors of Adult Fiction, Adult Non-Fiction and Children's Fiction, like Leslie Mercier. so there's sure to be something for everyone!