We're going on a Bear Hunt! Will you join us this Saturday, August 25th at 11am? There will be a scavenger hunt that takes you through downtown Stirling, fun activities at Henry St. Park, refreshments at the library afterwards and lots of prizes to be won! Plus the first 50 participants will also go home with their own teddy bear!

Home & Lifestyle Expo this Friday and Saturday!
The Stirling-Rawdon Public library will have a booth at the Stirling-Rawdon Home & Lifestyle Expo on April 27th and 28th. Come see us there and learn about all the library has to offer! We will be sharing a booth with the Stirling M.I.L.L (Musical Instrument Lending Library). Come find us and you could be entered into a draw to win tickets to the May 7th show of The Circuit- Up Standing Comedy at the Stirling Lions Hall. Some of the proceeds will be going to support special projects at the L...