Kids Craft Night tomorrow after school! Join us to make a pompom hedgehog! Everyone welcome, no registration required. Recommended for ages 6 and up.
We’re looking for…SEEDS!
We are still accepting seeds if you have any you would like to share with the library and the community! Please ensure that they are clean and dry but otherwise don't worry about how they are packaged too much as we will be packaging them into envelopes. Also include as much information about they type of seed and growing requirements as you know! Thanks!
We Need Your Help!
We have applied for a grant through L.E.A.F Commonwell that will allow us to create a Makerspace in the children's department. We need you to click on the link below and leave a comment or photo about things you've done at the library, why we should receive the grant or just to express your support of the project or the library! Th...
Cooking Club tomorrow after school!
Join us tomorrow after school for Cooking Club! We're making ham and cheese pinwheels. Yum!
We need your help!
The Stirling-Rawdon Public Library has applied for a grant through the L.E.A.F Commonwell Initiative and we need your help! Part of the requirements for the grant is to rally community support and the more support the better! We need you to share stories, comments and images of support to our project page which is linked below. Also please share to social media! Any and all engagements help our submission so please...
Join Read October to support Dyslexia Awareness!
Support Dyslexia Awareness by joining More
Egg Carton Roses!
Our next Adult Craft Night is November 1st at 6pm. Learn how to make roses from an egg carton! Call 613-395-2837 or email to register.
Good Food Bag Orders Due Today!
Today is the last day to get your Good Food Box and Good Baby Box orders in for October. Pickup will be next Tuesday at the library.
Games Club tomorrow at 4pm!
We're playing Giant Twister tomorrow at Games Club. It's mostly like regular Twister but with a few extra things thrown in! Drop in after school at 4pm to play
Local Author Showcase – Tuesday, October 18th
Who's looking forward to this Local Author Showcase? I know I am! Drop in between 3pm and 6pm on Tuesday, October 18th to meet and chat with several local authors and illustrators. There's a book bundle door prize draw for attending and books available for purchase!