Ice Cream for Breakfast Day – Saturday, February 3rd at 10am

Did you know that February 3rd is National Bring Your Child to the Library Day? Did you also know that the first Saturday in February is Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day? So we thought we’d combine these two amazing holidays and invite you to enjoy a sweet treat at the library on Saturday, February 3rd at 10am! While supplies last. This event is recommended for all ages ?


Free Tree Giveaway!

Celebrate Earth Day this year with a FREE sapling from Neighborhood Forest! We have once again partnered with Neighborhood Forest to provide free trees to area families. Parents or Guardians, follow this link to register:
Please Note: your child does not have to have a library card to receive a free tree. You are welcome to share this link with family, friends, siblings, etc. but you do need to be able to pick up your tree at the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library. The deadline to register is March 15th. Trees will be delivered in April before Earth Day.
Thank you for your support and participation. For more information about this program, please visit or