We’re getting out our new Lego Robotics kit tomorrow at 2pm. Join us! Call 613-395-2837 or email info@stirlinglibrary.com to register.
Drop-in Saturdays – August 12th
We’re making cute little hedgehogs tomorrow in the children’s department. We’re open 10-3 so drop in anytime!
Toddler Time- August 10th
Let’s develop those fine motor skills! We have several different fine motor activities planned for your little ones so drop in tomorrow at 10:30am and have some fun Everyone welcome.
Yarn Monsters – Take & Make Kit
Yarn monster Take & Make Kits available now! Pick one up in the children’s department while supplies last!
CLOSED – Tuesday, August 8th
Just a reminder that we will be closed on Tuesday, August 8th for the Civic Holiday. See you all again on Wednesday!
Toddler Time – August 3rd

Fair Crafts – August 2nd
Only a couple weeks left before the Stirling Fair so if you want to enter a craft drop into the library to make something! Tomorrow we’re making coffee filter butterflies or pool noodle fish! Drop in anytime between 1pm and 3pm
Tech-y Tuesdays – August 1st
Join us tomorrow to experiment with the Makey Makey, an Invention Kit designed to connect everyday objects to computer keys. Call 613-395-2837 or email info@stirlinglibrary.com to register
Drop-in Saturday, July 29th
Drop into the children’s department to guess how many “bookworms” are in the jar and you could win the whole jar of gummy worms!
Rock Painting – Saturday, July 29th
Did you miss our last rock painting day? Then you’re in luck! We’ll be painting more rocks for the community rock snake this Saturday in the children’s department. Everyone welcome