Exhibit Opening – Bob McIntosh

New art going up this weekend! Drop in to the library between 12:30 and 2:30 for an artist meet and greet, enjoy some light refreshments and view Bob McIntosh’s art!
Here’s what Bob has to say about his art: “Painting is a hobby and has been for a few years. Photography was my hobby and my profession before retirement. With no formal training in painting, everything I do is an experiment. One of my favourite styles to paint is abstract. I find it very difficult to do as there is no object to compare to. The idea you have in your mind somehow has to be transferred to a canvas. Difficult to say the least and not always successful. It’s a feeling that one hopes will invoke a similar feeling to the viewer. Impressionistic landscapes is the other style that I like to paint. Love most of the group of seven style. Truly Canadian. To hear your thoughts on this show would be much appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to both view my paintings and your opinions”

Garden Club – Wednesday, May 31st

Does your child have an interest in gardening? Then help us make a kids community garden at the library. We want the kids of Stirling to plant some veggies with us and help us look after them all season long. Join us on Wednesday, May 31st at 4pm to get this garden started! We’ll transplant some seedlings into the garden and make some garden art to decorate our garden with, everyone welcome!

Make It Messy: Toddler Art

Our next Make It Messy: Toddler Art is tomorrow at 10:30am. Join us for circle art and be sure to wear your messy clothes! Recommended for ages 2-5. No registration required.