Join us at 2pm outside the library tomorrow afternoon when we will be heading down to the covered bridge to paint with watercolours en plein air just like Claude Monet!
STEAM Challenges Thursdays throughout the summer!
Tomorrow’s STEAM Challenge is to make a cross stick crossbow! Make one and then see how far it shoots!
Crafts Wednesdays 11-1pm
Even though the Stirling Fair is over for this year you can still drop into the library to make a craft on Wednesday mornings until the end of the month! This week we’re making a bird house out of a pop bottle
Library Artists Tuesdays 2-4pm
Michelangelo was a famous artist who carved statues out of marble, but we’ll be using something that is much easier to carve…soap! Join us at 2pm tomorrow
STEAM Challenges Thursdays throughout the summer!
Learn how to make a paper helicoptor using just paper and a paperclip! Tomorrow in the children’s department, drop in anytime the library is open
Fair Crafts Wednesdays 11-1pm
It’s the last week to make a craft to enter into the Stirling Fair, so if you haven’t made something to enter but would still like to, then this is the week to do it! We’re making twig dolls or craft stick harmonicas this week
Library Artists Tuesdays 2-4pm
This week’s Library Artists will be learning about collage and creating a fun piece of artwork using different materials. Join us at 2pm on Tuesday!
Please note that the library will be closing early at 6:00pm on Thursday August 4th. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
STEAM Challenges Thursdays throughout the summer!
We’ll have the Lego out tomorrow and we’ll be making Lego marble mazes! Join us!
Fair Crafts Wednesdays 11-1pm
Make a yarn wrapped stick or a handmade Christmas ornament this week on Wednesday, August 3rd from 11-1pm.