We're slowly bringing stuff back into the children's department. If you've been in, in the last few weeks you may have noticed that the weekly riddle has returned! Correct answers could win a small prize. We have also brought back the monthly colouring contest (you can take these pages home and bring them back to be entered into a monthly draw to win a small prize!) and introduced a new "think outside the box" drawing station!
Stirling Kid’s Chronicle — 8th and Last Edition

Stirling Kid’s Chronicle —7th Edition

Stirling Kid’s Chronicle — 6th edition

Stirling Kid’s Chronicle — 5th Edition

Stirling Kid’s Chronicle —3rd Edition

Stirling Kid’s Chronicle —2nd Edition

Boredom Busters!
Stirling Kids Chronicle—1st Edition!

Join us for Art Club! They meet every Thursday from 6-7pm!
Have you heard about ART CLUB!? It's a weekly meetup of young artists to have some messy artsy fun. Every Thursday at the Stirling Library!
Who: Young artists aged 6 & up
What: Art games, lessons, and activities for kiddos
Where: Stirling Library
Why: Because art washes away the dust of everyday life!
When: Every Thursday, 6-7pm
How: Weekly Art Club! Drop-in, no sign-up needed. Cost is 5 bucks.