Only 1 more week until Camp Read-A-Lot! Read your way around our "camp" and win prizes! Play campfire games, make campfire crafts and more! Everyone welcome, no registration required.
Family Literacy Day 2021
Family Literacy Day takes place every January 27th to raise awareness about the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family. Since we aren't able to do an in-person event this year at the library we thought we would share some literacy tips throughout the month of January. Literacy is important at any age so we've included tips for Parents, children, toddlers and teens!
Today is Family Literacy Day!
Family Literacy Day takes place every January 27th to raise awareness about the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family. Since 1999, thousands of schools, libraries, literacy organizations and other community groups have taken part in the initiative.
Family literacy focuses on parents, grandparents and other family members to improve the reading and writing skills of the whole family. By reading to children and engaging in fun literacy activities re...