Coding Club – Tuesdays at 4pm
Delve into the enchanting world of coding! What is coding? Coding is the instructions a computer needs in order to enable a computer to do something. Are you ready to learn how to code? Join us at 4pm on Tuesdays throughout the summer. Recommended for ages 6+ No registration required.

Choose Your Own Adventure Book Club – Tuesdays at 2pm
Join us tomorrow at 2pm for the Choose Your Own Adventure Book Club! For ages 6 and up. Listen to a story and you decide how it goes! No registration required.

Self-Sufficient Living Discussion Group – Tuesday, July 16th at 6pm
The Self-Sufficient Living Discussion Group is still meeting throughout the summer so join us on Tuesday at 6pm for the next meeting!

Think.Make.Create – Saturday, July 13th 10-12
Drop in to the children's department tomorrow between 10 and 12 to make and experiment with making a squishy circuits robot! No registration required. For all ages.

Tiny Art Show: Saturday, June 29th at 11am
Join us next Saturday to participate in our Tiny Art Show! Create a mini masterpiece to be on display throughout July and August. All supplies will be provided. No registration required while supplies last. Recommended for all ages!
While you're here sign up for summer reading and learn about all the other fun things we have happening at the library this summer!
Self-Sufficient Living Discussion Group: Tuesday, June 18th at 6pm
The next Self-Sufficient Living Discussion Group meeting is Tuesday, June 18th at 6pm. Join us! Everyone welcome

After School Hangout – Wednesday, May 29th at 4pm
We'll be creating fun and unique hot glue paintings tomorrow after school! Join us at 4pm

Library Book Club – Tuesday, May 28th at 2pm
Our theme for our next Library Book Club meeting is History. Make of that what you will whether it is non-fiction history or perhaps historical fiction, read something that you will enjoy (or not) and come prepared to discuss! We are always welcoming new members so join us at 2pm on Tuesday, May 28th. This month we'll be meeting upstairs in the library
Self-Sufficient Living Discussion Group- May 14th at 6pm
Mark your calendars for the next Self-Sufficient Living Discussion Group! Tuesday, May 14th at 6pm. Join us, everyone welcome, no registration required. It's prime garden time so the discussion is sure to be engaging!
