Backyard Bird Feeding: Thursday, February 27th at 1pm

Mark your calendars for Thursday, February 27th at 1pm for an informative talk on Backyard Bird Feeding by Dan and Laura from Wild Birds Unlimited Belleville. Dan will be talking about tips on how to attract a large variety of birds to your yard and discussing common challenges faced and steps to take to maximize the joy from this wonderful hobby. A demonstration feeder set up will be on display.

Dan has been a passio...


Art Journaling: Wednesdays at 10am

Have you been to our Art Journaling group yet? We meet on Wednesdays at 10am. Each week we have a different prompt or material to experiment with and just get creative. This group is all about creating for the sake of creating. Try new mediums, techniques and just have fun with art. No experience or artistic ability necessary. In the last few weeks we've done finger painting, still life, charcoal, watercolours and more! Everyone welcome, no registration required.
