PAWS for Reading: Wednesdays at 5pm throughout February

PAWS for Reading is a program that allows children to read to a trained therapy dog! Reading to a dog is fun and can help improve reading and communication skills because a dog doesn't care if you stumble or make you feel awkward. Sign up for a 15 minute time slot to read to Zazu by calling us at 613-395-2837 or emailing or just drop into the library and ask! Starting February 5th and each Wednesday in February.

Medicinal Herbs: Self-Sufficient Living Discussion Group Guest Speakers

The next self-sufficient living discussion group meeting will be on Tuesday, February 4th at 6pm.

Join guest speakers Jennifer Drummond, Doctor of Naturopathy, and herbal specialist, Kris Buttigieg, for an informative presentation on garden and backyard herbs for medicinal and edible usage. A question & answer period to follow. No registration required.

*The info...


New Year, Join a new group at the library!

Did you make a New Years Resolution to learn or try something new? Then join one of our groups at the library!

Every Wednesday we have Art Journaling at 10am: This group is all about creating for the sake of creating. Try new mediums, techniques and just have fun with art. No experience or artistic ability necessary. Each week will have a different prompt or try out a new art medium. All supplies will be provided but y...
