We've got bags, mugs, buttons and bookmarks for sale! They make great gifts :) All proceeds will go towards future library programming!
We also still have fused glass ornaments available for $5 each. Come in while supplies last!

December is Fine Free!
Return any overdue books during the month of December and all fines will be forgiven!

Stirling Santa Claus Parade!
The Stirling Santa Claus Parade is tomorrow at 6:30pm! The library will be open for bathroom use and to warm up. You can even watch the parade from inside the library on the second floor!

Cooking Club – Wednesday, November 29th at 4pm
Since this month has 5 Wednesdays we have a special edition of Cooking Club! We're decorating sugar cookies and it's sure to be pretty sweet. Join us! No registration required. Recommended for ages 5 and up.

Makerspace Club – Wednesday, November 22nd at 4pm
Join us tomorrow at 4pm to do some unplugged hopscotch coding in our Makerspace! Everyone welcome, recommended for ages 5 and up. No registration required. Stop in on your way home from school!

Self-Sufficient Living Discussion Group – Tuesday, November 21st at 6pm
Formerly called Grow Your Own: Garden Discussion Group.
Join us for an informal discussion group where we learn from each other and talk about topics related to becoming more self-sufficient. We discuss topics such as gardening, canning and preserving, baking, soap making, beekeeping, wood working, fermenting and more! No registration required. Everyone welcome.
In November, bring a canned or preserved item that you have made to share with the group. Then we will be having a brief discussi...
Library Book Club – Tuesday, November 21st at 2pm
Do you like talking about books? Then why not join our Library Book Club! We read whatever we want and then come prepared to discuss. This month we're reading Mystery books! Always accepting new members
Join us next Tuesday, November 21st at 2pm.

Homeschool Meetup – Thursday, November 16th 2pm
Homeschool Meetup tomorrow at 2pm! Hope to see you there! All ages welcome, no registration required.

Library Board Meeting tonight at 6pm
Games Club
Come join us tomorrow at 4pm to play some games with friends! Everyone welcome, no registration required. Recommended for ages 5 and up.