More March Break Activities!
Terrariums with the Stirling Horticultural Society!
March Break Programs!
Paper Succulent Adult Craft Night – Tuesday, March 9th at 6pm
Houseplant Swap – Thursday, March 9th at 6pm
Lego Club
It's time for another Lego Club! Join us tomorrow after school at 4pm

Grow Your Own – Garden Discussion Group
We hope you marked your calendars for the next Grow Your Own Garden Discussion Group meeting because it's this Tuesday at 6pm! We'll be talking about seeds and other things related to growing your own things and becoming more self-sustainable.

Good Food Bag & Good Food Box Orders Due
Good Food Bag and Good Baby Box orders need to be in before 4pm today! Don't miss out! They will be delivered next Tuesday, February 28th

Cooking Club
Cooking club tomorrow at 4pm! We'll be making cinnamon apple snacks with a fruit dip. A perfect afterschool snack! No registration required, recommended for ages 5 and up.