Let's develop those fine motor skills! We have several different fine motor activities planned for your little ones so drop in tomorrow at 10:30am and have some fun
Everyone welcome.

Toddler Time – August 3rd
Fair Crafts – August 2nd
Only a couple weeks left before the Stirling Fair so if you want to enter a craft drop into the library to make something! Tomorrow we're making coffee filter butterflies or pool noodle fish! Drop in anytime between 1pm and 3pm

Tech-y Tuesdays – August 1st
Join us tomorrow to experiment with the Makey Makey, an Invention Kit designed to connect everyday objects to computer keys. Call 613-395-2837 or email info@stirlinglibrary.com to register

Toddler Time – July 27th
We're having a toddler dance party tomorrow! Drop in to twist & twirl to music with shakers and ribbon wands! For children under 5 and their caregiver. No registration required.

Fair Crafts – July 26th
For this weeks fair crafts we'll be making binoculars or a paper quilt square depending on your age to enter into the Stirling Fair. Join us! No registration required.

Tech-y Tuesdays – July 25th
Drop-in Saturday, July 22nd
Drop in tomorrow any time the library is open to design your own planter and take home your very own plant! No registration required.

Toddler Time – July 20th
Join us tomorrow at 10:30am for some messy fun! We'll be painting on tinfoil so make sure to wear your messy clothes! For children under 5 and their caregiver. No registration required.

Fair Crafts – July 19th
We're making jewellery to enter into the Stirling Fair tomorrow between 1 and 3pm. Drop in and get crafting!
