Sign up for the TD Summer Reading Club!

TD Summer Reading Club is Canada’s biggest, bilingual summer reading program for kids of all ages, all interests, and all abilities. Studies show that kids who keep reading all summer do better when they return to school in the fall. The TD Summer Reading Club is a great way to build excitement about reading. Kids can take part anywhere—at local public libraries across Canada as well as at home, online, or wherever summer takes them.

Kids can: join activities happening in libraries, read books online and get reading recommendations, track their own reading and collect stickers and online badges, connect online to share jokes, stories, book reviews, and more with other kids across Canada.

Talk to your local public library staff this summer to find out how your family can join the TD Summer Reading Club and get your free materials!

We’re going on a Bear Hunt Community Scavenger Hunt

We’re going on a bear hunt to see what we can see,
To learn about our town,
And all the places we can be!

The Bear Hunt will go around Stirling, beginning and ending at the
Stirling-Rawdon Public Library.
Everyone welcome!