Poetry Open Mic – Saturday, April 20th 1-3pm

Join us at the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library on Saturday, April 20th from 1-3pm for a Poetry & Spoken Word Open Mic. Come out and read your work or just sit and listen! Participants get 5 minutes at the podium and sign up starts 15 minutes before event. All are welcome to join this FREE event.
First Tuesday Muse is an ongoing poetry & spoken word open mic on the 1st Tuesday of the month held at 7/62 brewery in Madoc. This event is being held in celebration of National Poetry Month.
For more information call 613-395-2837 or email info@stirlinglibrary.com or search First Tuesday Muse on Facebook for details and other poetry events in the Quinte area.

National Canadian Film Day: Wednesday, April 17th at 2pm

CanFilmDay is a massive, one-day coast-to-coast-to-coast celebration of Canadian cinema!
Join us on Wednesday, April 17th at 2pm at the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library for a showing of the 2020 film, Beans. Based on true events, Tracey Deer’s debut feature chronicles the 78-day standoff between two Mohawk communities and government forces in 1990 Quebec. The film is rated 14A. This is a FREE event and everyone is welcome, no registration required. Call 613-395-2837 or email info@stirlinglibrary.com for more information.