Drop into the library to get your Book Bingo card! Read and win prizes! It’s that easy!
From June-August there will be Book Bingo at the library! All you have to do is read and you can win prizes! Once you complete a line on your Bingo card (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or just read 5 books from the Bingo card) bring your completed card into the library and choose a prize from our Treat Basket! Your completed Bingo card will then be used as a ballot to enter into a draw for our Grand Prize gift basket at the end of the summer!
This Saturday, learn all about seed planting at the library!
While you're out and about for Front Porch Shenanigans this weekend why not stop into the library with the kids on your way by? This Saturday we'll be learning all about seed planting. Drop into the library at 1:30pm for some fun activities and experiments!